Thursday, September 27, 2007

new med !

nathan is doing pretty well this week! he stayed the whole time in his regular kidergarden and was well behave in his BED class! so I think we may find the solutions! yay. the con is when the med wears off, boy he sure a little work up and tent to make uncle joe his main tarket! ( sorry man). he goes back to the Dr friday. as for me I'm not doing so well in my Acc, Econ , and Business math. I 'm going to find me a tutor today. wish me luck and Pray for me!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, This is the best news we have had in a long time.! We all want this to work. As you said, Sorry Joe, Be the strong male Uncle in his life. Both of you will be better for it.
What did the Dr. have to say??

Work with your tutor and do the Very best you can. As I have told you before and YOU know so well, You have a very busy schedule. We do pray for you.